Paul Fronteras Stoney Barton 01271 860460
Margaret Jennings Little Southcott, Farm House 01237 472398
Name and job title
Richard Horne
Interim Manager – Emergency Planning
Emergency Planning Officers
Chris Dakin
Judith Hardiman
Andrew Borman
Simon Wilkins
Support staff
Pat Clatworthy –
Assistant EPO / Office Manager
Keith Reed
Project Officer – Business Continuity
Adelaida Cantero
Main areas of responsibility
General management
Budget management
Risk assessment/ risk management
External and internal liaison
Integrated Planning
Business Continuity lead
IT / Communications
Downstream Oil Emergency Response
DCC Emergency Centre
Welfare (ie immediate response to emergency situations including ERC, FRRC, SRC)
Liaison with voluntary sector
Health liaison and interface, including heatwave, small pox, flu pandemic, mass casualties
Parish/community planning
Events, Festivals and Gatherings
Training and Exercising coord
Flood Plans
Climate change (ie winter weather, other natural hazards)
Temporary Mortuaries
Mass fatalities
EROCIPS Project Manager (60% of time)
Environment / Counter Pollution
Coastal management
Pipelines (Oil and Gas)
COMAH plans (Lee Mill)
CBRN + Nuclear
Animal Diseases
General administration
Plans library
Office IT
Financial authorisations
Emergency Stores
Emergency Telephone Directory
Business Continuity support
General support to team
EROCIPS Project Management support
(100% funded by the Project)
Contact numbers
Work Mobile
01392 382634 078 112 010 34
01392 382666 078 011 287 89
01392 382689 078 011 287 91
01392 383511
01392 382665 078 011 287 92
01392 382680 078 011 287 90
01392 383875
01392 383875 078 138 857 51
Duty Officer Pager: 07699 734637 March 2013