Westleigh Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 22nd May 2024, 7.30pm at Westleigh Village Hall

Attendees – Cllrs Fairbrother, Heard, Gear, & DCCllr Biederman

Min 14 24/25 – Apologies received – NDCllr Renshaw

Min 15 24/25 – Declarations of Interest – none declared

Min 16 24/25 – Minutes – to confirm and agree the signing of the minutes of the meeting held on the 10th May 2024. Agreed.

Min 17 24/25 – Any matters arising – none raised

Min 18 24/25 – Correspondence – an email from Core Highways to notify the Council that on 2nd of August, the road between Langmead and Hill Head will be closed for the day, to replace a telegraph pole on behalf of BT Openreach

Min 19 24/25 – Public Session – no members of the public attended

Min 20 24/25 – County Report – DCCllr Biederman gave an update on the Litchardon Solar Farm monies, in that a committee had now been formed, and that Fremington were working on a draft constitution for that committee as agreed at the general meeting in April. Otherwise, all else will now be overshadowed by the General Election on July 4th!  NDCllr Renshaw was unable to attend because of recurring ill health. The Council wished her a speedy recovery

Min 21 24/25 – Finance – to authorise payment to J Harris for £100. The Clerk explained that as the chequebook was with the Auditor, with the Council’s authority he would pay Mr Harris via BAC’s, and would be reimbursed once the chequebook had been returned. Council agreed

Min 22 24/25 – Environment – owing to Cllr Burgess’s resignation, there was no report per se, but her final AGM report will be available on the website

Min 23 24/25 – TTEP – held over until July’s meeting

Min 24 24/25 – Councillor vacancies. With 2 resignations, the Council now has 4 vacancies, and as it stands with just 3 Councillors, is only just quorate. The Clerk informed the meeting that he had been in contact with 2 prospective Cllrs, who had agreed to join WPC in the next few weeks. With all that is happening in the Village & Parish, the 2 further vacancies should surely be an opportunity for Parish members want to be part of the Council?

Min 25 24/25 – Planning – Application 78496 Plovers Barron had been agreed on the 14th May by NDC. The Village held a meeting on Monday the 13th May to discuss action plans regarding the proposed Christie development. The Council was only informed of the meeting less than 24 hrs prior to it taking place, therefore were not represented, and have no information on what was discussed or decisions made.

Min 26 24/25 – Summer Fete – on hold until the Chairman has had the opportunity to discuss any progress with Colin Frajbis, who was the lead Cllr until his resignation

Min 27 24/25 – Next meeting – it was proposed that the Council should cancel June’s meeting, and hold the next one in July (as scheduled) on the 24th. It was also mooted that perhaps the Council should look to reduce the number of meetings from 9 to 6 per annum, which may make it more appealing to potential Cllrs. This will be an agenda item in July

The meeting closed at 20.20hrs