Westleigh Parish Council Meeting Minutes September 2022

Held at Westleigh Village Hall on Wednesday 7th September 7.30pm

Attendees – Cllrs David Fairbrother (Chair), Chris Heard (Vice), Colin Frajbis, Lyn Gear,and Lesley Burgess. Also in attendance, Parish Clerk & 2 members of the public, John May & Kevin Sanders

1. Min 67 22/23 – Opening of the meeting at 7.30pm

2. Min 68 22/23 – Apologies received – DCCllr Frank Biederman, and NDCllr (& MP) Selaine Saxby

3. Min 69 22/23 – Declarations of Interest – none

4. Min 70 22/23 – To confirm the minutes of the July 6th meeting – unanimous

5. Min 71 22/23 – Any matters arising – the Clerk reminded Councillors that there were several on-going matters, namely Cllr Biopics, answers from NDC regarding ‘dog access’ stile gates, and a joint meeting between WPC, PCC, and Village Hall (which Cllr Burgess has in hand) regarding grant applications, or the possibility of them.

6. Min 72 22/23 – Correspondence – HMRC had written to the Clerk regarding a PAYE fine, which is an NDC responsibility, and now being dealt with by them

7. Min 73 22/23 – Public session – Kevin Sanders wanted to know if any progress had been made with the ‘missing’ Westleigh sign on the approach from Eastleigh. The Clerk to chase. John May attended in case there were any questions regarding his planning application (75793) at Eastleigh Barton. The Council had minimal questions about agricultural ties, and supported the application.

8. Min 74 22/23 – There was no report from DCCllr Biederman, and NDCllr Saxby submitted a nil report

9. Min 75 22/23 - Finance – the Clerk reported a net balance of £3760.91p. He also asked Council’s permission to start the process of transferring bank accounts from Barclays to Lloyds because of the intransigence of Barclays. Unanimously agreed, with an acceptance by Council that if there was a period where Barclays closed the account before Lloyds came on-line, they would accept that payments could be made by the Clerk with reimbursement when appropriate. Unanimous. The Clerk also warned the Council that owing to the forthcoming May local elections, that WPC would incur an additional cost of circa £1000 (as advised by NDC), therefore the precept application in December would have to reflect that additional cost. After much discussion, it was agreed that if possible, the Council should cope with the additional costs, or the majority of them, as the cost of living crisis is hitting families enough. Unanimously accepted, with an agreement to discuss again prior to the precept submission.

10. Min 76 22/23 - Environment – Cllr Burgess reported that she continued to liaise with David Paull in his survey and compilation of a year end report on the local flora and fauna. Cllr Frajbis agreed to write a short article for Cllr Burgess’s approval, to place in the Parish Magazine on David’s activities. Cllr Burgess agreed to forward some suitable photos to Cllr Frajbis. Cllr Heard agreed to speak with Eastleigh residents regarding the planting of wild flower bulbs, in a similar fashion to those planted in Westleigh on the entrance to the village. Cllr Gear notified Council that Tapeley were about to apply (free) for a bundle of 45 saplings to be planted there, and wondered whether Council would be interested in also applying for some? After much discussion, the Council decided to resurrect the proposal of planting a small copse in Sticks Meadow, subject to any agreements that needed to be gained. Cllr Gear agreed to report back in October. The subject of hedge trimming was raised, and the Clerk was tasked to contact Andrew Woollacott to ask for reassurance that ‘scalping’ was not on the agenda this year! The Clerk also agreed to try and determine the reality of exploring the purchase of the small parcel of land behind the War Memorial.

11. Min 77 22/23 – Planning – Application 75793 at Eastleigh agreed. An application had been received from Ian Gibb (75830) for a kitchen extension, and workshop/store construction. Cllr Burgess agreed to look at the plans and report back, and Cllr Frajbis agreed to speak with Mr Gibb (who was more than happy to talk through his plans with any Cllr).

12. Min 78 22/23 – Village Fete – this will become a full agenda item in the New Year

13. Min 79 22/23 – AOB – nothing raised

14. Min 80 22/23 – Next meeting will be held on the 5th October

15. Min 81 22/23 – The meeting closed at 20.40hrs

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