Westleigh Parish Council – Notice of Parish Meeting
Councillors are summoned to the next meeting of the Parish Council on Wednesday 4th November, via Zoom, at 7.30pm
1. Apologies received in respect of the meeting
2. Declarations of Interest – to receive Declarations of Interests from Councillors of any disclosable, pecuniary, or other Interests in items on the agenda
3. Minutes – to confirm and agree the signing of the minutes of the meeting held on the 7th October 2020. Actions agreed to be updated.
4. Correspondence and Communications – to include a summary of C&C received from the Chair and Clerk
5. County and District Ward Members reports – in person or via email
Public Session – as the meeting is not an Open Meeting due to Covid-19 restrictions, and the unavailability of the Parish Hall, there will be no Public Session. However, Parishioners are asked to forward any questions, or subjects they would like raised to the Parish Clerk on Westleigh.Clerk@gmail.com by the 3rd November
6. Finance – to receive an update on the current position, to receive accounts to pay, to note any income received, and any other matters relating.
7. Planning matters – any issues that need raising
8. Eastleigh Defibrillator – update on phone box painting
9. Highway issues
10. Footpath signage - update
11. Environmental issues – to include potential River Torridge pollution, and meeting with Tapeley (Cllr Gear organising)
12. Bus shelter – mural update
13. Christmas meeting - proposals
14. Agenda items for the next meeting (Wednesday 2nd December)
15. Any other business not covered
Cllr David Fairbrother - Chairman