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Westleigh Parish Council – Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 1st August 2018 at the Westleigh Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs K. Griffin (Chairman), L. Burgess, B. Moores, J. Edwards and C. Heard.

In attendance: Mr. M. Harris, Parish Clerk, 5 members of the public.

MH08.18.1        Apologies

1. Apologies were recorded on behalf of Cllrs L. Gear, S. Ettling, and K. Farrell-Roberts


Declarations of Interest

2. Members were reminded that all interests must be declared prior to the item being discussed.     



3. To confirm and sign the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 23rd May 2018

It was resolved, to confirm and sign the minutes as a true record

Proposed:  Cllr K. Griffin, Seconded: Cllr L. Burgess. (all in favour)

There were no matters arising.


4. Co-option of new Councillor

Cllr K. Griffin confirmed that the Parish Council had received an approach from Chris Heard to be considered as a Parish Councillor.  Prior to the meeting an email had been forwarded to all Councillors outlining Chris Heard background and reasons for wanting to become a Parish Council.

Councillors were then invited to ask questions relating to the application.

It was then resolved to confirm the co-option of Chris Heard as a Parish Councillor.

Proposed: Cllr B. Moores, Seconded: Cllr J. Edwards (all in favour)


5. Correspondence and Communication:

a) The following items of correspondence were received:

Barnstaple Town Council – North Devon Records Office – Update.  Circulated.

DCC – Consultation – Ways to improve the Library Service – Comments forwarded by the Clerk.

Instow Parish Council – Parish Newsletter – Cllr B. Moores explained that the Parish Council had raised some issues relating to editorial control

NDC – Local Plan Consultation – circulated.


Devon & Cornwall Police – Proposed merger – survey.  Circulated to Councillors.

Communities Together Fund 2018/19 – Details of projects – Agreed to support Westleigh Cricket Club application.

Brian Lees – Request for a grant to support the project to improve the St Peters churchyard path.

It was explained that improvements to the path were required to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act, and that following three quotes the best price was £2,700.  A grant of £1,000 is pending from Cllr F. Beiderman, and £1,350 will be allocated from Church Funds.

Therefore, a grant of £350 is requested from the Parish Council.

It was noted that the Churchyard is used on a regular basis by parishioners, and improvements will allow safer access.

It was resolved to award a grant of £350 to St Peters Church, subject the approval of the £1,000 Locality Grant from DCC.

Proposed: Cllr B. Moores. Seconded: Cllr L. Burgess

b) County and District Council Ward Members Reports

Cllr B. Moores reported that NDC were about to go into summer recess.  He highlighted the work that continues with rough sleepers, and temporary accommodation.                

Public Session – at the discretion of the Chairman members of the public can ask questions and make comments to the Council.


Concern was expressed that a week ago access was required to the defribulator and there were problems removing the cover. Discussion took place on the responsibility to maintain the equipment and provide opportunities for training.

Action Point:  Cllr K. Griffin agreed to an immediate inspection of the case and equipment.  The Clerk will investigate options for arranging regular inspection and maintenance for the equipment, and report back to the next meeting with costs.  Cllr B. Moores to investigate the cost of providing a First Aid Course.   



Financial Matters

a)  To receive an update on the current financial position.

The Parish Clerk reported that the current balance in the parish account is £5,855


b)   To receive any accounts to pay:

To approve payments as follows:

Jeremy Harris – Parish Maintenance - £225 – cheque No 100452

Parish Clerk Salary – April – June - £334.96 – cheque no 100453

Parish Clerk Expenses - £50.06 – Cheque no 100454

It was resolved to approve the above payments.

Proposed: Cllr K. Griffin Seconded: Cllr J. Edwards


c)  To note any income received:

None received.

d) Any other financial issues


Following the Internal audit, it was recommended that a Finance Sub – Group be set up to review on a half yearly basis the finances of the Parish Council.  It was agreed that Cllr C. Heard and Cllr J. Edwards sit on the Group.   The Group to meet prior to the meeting on the 19th September.                                              


MH08:18.7      Planning Matters

a)  New planning applications

None for this meeting.


b)  Planning decisions

Application No: 64848 – Erection of Replacement Agricultural Building at Barnacott Eastleigh.

Granted planning permission.


c)  Other planning issues

None for this meeting.


MH08:18.8     Review of Parish Projects

a)  Westleigh Footpath

Cllr Griffin reported that there was no progress on obtaining the planning’s to improve the surface.  Contractor is in place and awaiting materials.  


b)  Parish Action Plan – Consultation Event

The Parish Clerk reported that following the consultation event the following projects/items are put forward for the Parish Council’s consideration:

- Village Enhancement Scheme – to include Memorial Gardens, benches, and bus shelters.  Potential for locating a dog bin.  Action:  Report via the Parish News and invite parishioners to put themselves forward to set up a local community group or consider raising the precept to fund enhancement/improved maintenance.

- Westleigh footpath –Action:  improve the surface, improve access and signage.

- Highway Issues – Action:  Agreed to list all current Highway issues in the Parish and confirm status. Cllr C. Heard to invite Cllr F. Biederman to visit Eastleigh to explain current Highway issues.  Highways to be a standing item on all future Parish Council agendas.

c)  Plastic Free North Devon

Following a discussion, it was agreed to invite representatives from Surfers against sewage, and the Plastic Free Devon initiative to a future meeting to discuss what initiatives can be developed on a local level to support the initiative.                             

d)  Moorings at Westleigh

Cllr K. Griffin reported that he, Cllr L. Burgess, and Cllr K. Farrell-Roberts had attended a meeting at Bideford Town Hall to discuss the issue.  No conclusion has been reached on what action if any can be taken to address concerns over issues relating to the mooring of vessels in the Estuary. Another meeting is to be arranged.

Action Point:  Cllr K. Griffin to contact Ken Miles at NDC to enquire on land ownership issues relating to the moorings.


e)  Eastleigh Phone Box

Cllr K. Griffin reported that he had visited the phone box confirmed that some urgent cleaning and maintenance work is required in and around the phone box.  Action Point:  Cllr. C. Heard to consult Eastleigh parishioners if there still a demand for the box to be used as a local facility to provide books, and if so are there are volunteers willing to clean and maintain the box.  




Agenda items for the next meeting

Westleigh Footpath

Eastleigh Phone Box

Plastic Free ND

Highway Issues

Parish Clerk additional hours – Parish Action Plan

Parish Action Plan

Annual Governance Plan

Risk Assessment Review

Finance Sub – Group – report on finances  

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45pm

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will take place at the Westleigh Village Hall on Wednesday 19th, September, commencing at 7.30pm.